
Monday, 27 August 2018

Fundação Angelica Goulart (anteriormente, Fundação Xuxa Meneghel) (en español)

Cuando Xuxa Meneghel decidió crear una fundación asistencial, eligió a Angelica Goulart, educadora y asistente social, para realizar su sueño.

Fue así que todo comenzó, en octubre de 1989, atendiendo a 180 niños moradores de Pedra de Guaratiba (zona oeste de Río de Janeiro). Con el paso del tiempo, la Fundación se convirtió en una referencia local, después regional, y más tarde nacional e internacional en la defensa de los derechos de niños y adolescentes.

En casi 28 años, se realizaron más de 200 mil atendimientos en proyectos que transformaron también las vidas de jóvenes y adultos.

La influencia de la institución se extendió por el trabajo en redes, por la creación de metodologías propias y en el empeño por avances legales en la protección a la infancia (prohibición de castigos físicos y humillantes, tipificación de crimen para la explotación sexual de niños y adolescentes). El reconocimiento llegó en forma de premios, acuerdos, apadrinamientos y pedidos de replicación de las metodologías sociales desarrolladas.

Recientemente, la propia Xuxa concluyó que la organización ya tenía aliento y personal capacitado para seguir por cuenta propia y de manera autónoma.

Así, en febrero de 2018, la institución pasó a tener nueva razón social: Fundação Angelica Goulart. La Fundación continúa con los mismos principios: actuar en defensa del mejor interés de los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, promover la solidaridad, sumar alianzas, esfuerzos, saberes e iniciativas. Además del histórico homenaje, tenemos una sólida razón para honrar el legado de Angelica Goulart.

Actualmente, consolidamos nuestra nuevo nombre y estamos en fase de captación de recursos: aporte financiero, alianzas técnicas, donación de servicios y materiales, etc. Para que los proyectos continúen en 2018, necesitamos la ayuda de amigos y socios. El cariño y el mensaje que lleva la Fundación es vital y de valor inestimable para todos.

Usted puede apoyar a la Fundación de varias maneras:

Dando su tiempo y conocimiento para acciones en asociación con la institución.

Divulgando y accediendo información sobre nuestro trabajo.

Participando de nuestras actividades en la sede aquí en Río de Janeiro y en las redes nacionales que actuamos.

Apoyando financieramente con cualquier valor, patrocinando alguno de nuestros proyectos o una acción específica, con sólo entrar en contacto y presentar nuevas propuestas.

Se destaca un déficit financiero que actualmente tenemos en este año de transición y es por esa razón que la Fundación lanzó la Campaña "La Gente quiere hacer 30 años haciendo bien"
Su donación es muy importante para la Fundación.


Usted puede participar en la campaña, eligiendo un valor entre R$ (Reales) 30,00, R $ 300,00, R $ 3.000,00 y R $ 30.000,00 o apoyando uno de nuestros Proyectos.

Se han creado tres canales para que usted pueda hacer su donación:


Depósito Bancario

Banco Itaú

Agencia 0532

Cuenta corriente 15000-0

CNPJ 31.420.425 / 0001-83


Directamente en la Fundación

Calle Belchior da Fonseca 1025, Pedra de Guaratiba, Río de Janeiro.

Participe en la campaña y contribuya a que la
Fundação Angelica Goulart, siga ofreciendo oportunidades a niños, adolescentes y jóvenes.

Esta es una breve reseña de nuestra historia. Conozca más sobre Fundação Angelica Goulart y visite nuestras redes:




Fundação Angelica Goulart (formerly Fundação Xuxa Meneghel) (in English)

When Xuxa Meneghel decided to create a charitable foundation, she chose Angelica Goulart, educator and social worker, to fulfill her dream.

Our story began in October 1989, serving 180 children living in Pedra de Guaratiba (west of Rio de Janeiro). With a local start, over time the Foundation has become regional, national and international point of reference in the defense of the rights of children and teenagers.

In almost 28 years, more than 200 thousand cases have been part of our projects transforming the lives of young people and adults.

The influence of the institution extended by working in networks, creating its own methodologies and committing to legal advances in child protection (prohibition of physical and humiliating punishment, typification of crime for the sexual exploitation of children and teenagers). The recognition came in the form of awards, partnerships, patronage and requests for replication of developed social technologies.

Recently, Xuxa concluded that the organization already had the development needed and qualified personnel to continue autonomously.

In February 2018, the institution started to have a new name: Fundação Angelica Goulart.
The newly named Foundation follows the same original principles: to act in the best interest of children, teenagers and young people, to promote solidarity, to embrace partnerships, efforts, knowledge and initiatives. In addition to the Foundation’s history, we have a solid reason to honor Angelica Goulart’s legacy.

Currently, we are consolidating our new brand and we are in the phase of fundraising: financial contribution, technical partnerships, donation of services and materials. For the Projects to continue in 2018, we need the help of friends and partners. The care and the message that comes from the Foundation is vital and invaluable to all of us.


You can support the Foundation in several ways by:

Donating your time and knowledge in partnership with the institution.

Disseminating and accessing information about our work.

Participating in our activities at the headquarters here in Rio de Janeiro and in the national networks that we operate.

By supporting us financially with any amount, sponsoring any of our projects or a specific action, just get in touch and present our proposals.

We have to highlight a financial deficit that we have in this transition year and that is why, the Foundation launched the Campaign "People want to achieve 30 years of doing well"

Your DONATION is very important to the Foundation. You can join the campaign. You can participate in the campaign by choosing a value between R$ (Brazilian Reales) 30,00, R $ 300,00, R$ 3,000,00 and R$ 30,000,00 or by supporting one of our Projects.

You may make your donation in any of this three ways:


Bank Deposit

Itau Bank

Agency 0532

Current Account 15000-0

CNPJ 31.420.425 / 0001-83


Directly at the Foundation

Rua Belchior da Fonseca 1025, Pedra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro.

Participate in the campaign and help the Fundação Angelica Goulart continue to provide opportunities for children, teenagers and young people.

This is only a brief account of our history. Learn more about the Angelica Goulart Foundation and visit our networks:



Fundação Angelica Goulart (ex Fundação Xuxa Meneghel) (em portugues)

Quando decidiu criar uma fundação assistencial, Xuxa, escolheu Angelica Goulart, educadora e assistente social, para realizar seu sonho.

Foi assim que tudo começou, em outubro de 1989, atendendo 180 crianças moradoras de Pedra de Guaratiba (zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro). Com o passar do tempo, a Fundação tornou-se uma referência local, depois regional, e então nacional e internacional na defesa dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes.

Em quase 28 anos, foram realizados mais de 200 mil atendimentos em projetos que transformaram também as vidas de jovens e adultos. 

A influência da instituição se estendeu pelo trabalho em redes, pela criação de metodologias próprias e no empenho por avanços legais na proteção à infância (proibição de castigos físicos e humilhantes; tipificação de crime hediondo para a exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes). E o reconhecimento veio na forma de prêmios, parcerias, apadrinhamentos e pedidos de replicação das tecnologias sociais desenvolvidas. 

Por fim, a própria Xuxa concluiu que a organização já tinha fôlego e pessoal capacitado para seguir por conta própria e de maneira autônoma.

Assim, em fevereiro de 2018, a instituição passou a ter nova razão social: Fundação Angelica Goulart.
Seguindo os mesmos princípios: Agir em defesa do melhor interesse de crianças, adolescentes e jovens, agitar a acomodação para promover solidariedade, agregar parcerias, esforços, saberes e iniciativas.
Para além da histórica homenagem, uma sólida razão para honrar o legado de Angelica Goulart.

Atualmente, consolidamos a nossa nova marca e estamos em fase de captação de recursos: aporte financeiro,  parcerias técnicas, doação de serviços e materiais e etc. Para que os Projetos continuem em 2018, nós precisamos da ajuda dos amigos e parceiros.  Se carinho e a mensagem que leva da Fundação para todos é vital para nos mantermos e de valor inestimável. As pessoas podem apoiar a Fundação de várias maneiras:

Doando seu tempo e conhecimento para ações em parceria com a instituição.

Divulgando e acessando informação sobre a nossa atuação.

Participando de nossas atividades na sede aqui no Rio de Janeiro e nas redes nacionais que atuamos.

Nos apoiando financeiramente com qualquer valor, patrocinando algum dos nossos projetos ou uma ação específica, só entrar em contato e apresentamos nossas propostas.


Destaco um déficit financeiro que temos e 2018 nesse ano de transição e que por isso, a Fundação lançou a Campanha "A Gente quer fazer 30 anos fazendo bem"

Sua DOAÇÃO é muito importante para a Fundação. Você pode participar da campanha, escolhendo um valor entre R$ 30,00, R$ 300,00, R$ 3.000,00 e R$ 30.000,00 ou apoiando um dos nossos Projetos.


3 canais foram criados para que você possa fazer sua doação:


Depósito Identificado em conta

Banco Itaú
Agência 0532
Conta Corrente 15000-0
CNPJ 31.420.425/0001-83

Direto na Fundação

Rua Belchior da Fonseca 1025, Pedra de Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro. 


Participe da campanha e contribua para que a Fundação Angelica Goulart, continue oferecendo oportunidades a crianças, adolescentes e jovens.

Essa é um pouco da nossa história
Conheça mais a sobre Fundação Angelica Goulart e visite as nossas redes clicando nos ícones:


Monday, 6 August 2018

Territorial disputes: August 2018. POLL: You choose our next territorial dispute

NOTE: the blog series TERRITORIAL DISPUTES will start again on Monday 3rd September 2018. We'll finish with the case of Northern Ireland and thereafter, we'll examine the territorial dispute you choose. In the meantime, please read the poll below and vote! You choose the next territorial dispute we'll be exploring together. THANKS. GRACIAS. OBRIGADO. GRAZIE. SPASIVA. DANKE. XIEXIE. ARIGATO. SHUKRAN.

Friday, 3 August 2018

Territorial disputes: Northern Ireland (Part 30) [Post 115]

Referendum in Northern Ireland

The post yesterday argued that in cases such as Northern Ireland, a solution between status quo and complete independence should be reached in light of Brexit. We introduced the notion of self-determination. Today, the post explores the idea of having a referendum.

Assuming that because of Brexit, the British government decided to have a referendum in Northern Ireland, what options should be considered for referendum? Taking into account previous referendums in the United Kingdom (Falklands, Scotland, Brexit) it is possible to assume the question would read:

“Do you want Northern Ireland to be an independent state in the form of a republic? Yes/No.

This kind of referendum will not solve any issue. In fact, the government would know the question has one possible answer. Therefore, the referendum would only legitimize an already made decision. Let us consider two critical points:
Firstly, the referendum’s “value.” It is indeed important Northern Ireland could have a referendum as expression of democratic values and basic liberties. It is also a way to start breaking the status quo after Brexit.
Secondly, the importance of the actual question. Because of the way the question could be written and current international and local scenario, there could be but one answer. So, we all can foresee its result. That does not mean that the actual referendum is of no value. As stated before, it is a crucial moment (as it was the Falkland’s referendum in 2013 and in Scotland in 2014). More importantly, it ratifies the fact that Northern Ireland can make use of their right to self-determination at any time and propose any other referendum and solution.


Why does the question have problems?

The answer is simple. Because although it may seem as if the question offered a choice, it does not in reality. If Northern Ireland answered NO, and they decided to remain part of the United Kingdom, they would still be considered as British territory and hence would know what to expect. That is to say, they would continue living the way they live with the government and the law they know and all that this implies. However, if they answered YES, and Northern Ireland decided to be an independent state, the consequence is but one: uncertainty. Many questions would be asked: does Northern Ireland automatically remain part of the European Union? Would they need to apply to join the EU as a newly formed state? Would they have the option of joining the Republic of Ireland? What currency would they use? And, many other questions related to natural resources, education system, healthcare. Result: who is going to choose uncertainty over something already known?

There are ways to address the indeterminacy in referendums and offer a clearer, more informed, better constructed question. That is, if the parties calling for a referendum actually aim to use the referendum as a democratic tool for self-determination rather than a tool for validation of predetermined and foreseeable decisions.


Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @London1701

03rd August 2018

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Territorial disputes: Northern Ireland (Part 29) [Post 114]

With Brexit next year, there is a fair amount of rhetoric in relation to Northern Ireland. There are many questions: whether to have a soft or hard border, and even to leave the United Kingdom, join the Republic of Ireland and therefore, remain part of the European Union.
Often, there is a common thread. Rather than using legal and political theory for their arguments to support the claims, there has been a shift to a more populist speech. This changed has not been unnoticed and as it could have been expected, opens the game to further questions.
The last posts of the blog series TERRITORIAL DISPUTES covered Northern Ireland and introduced the notion of self-determination. There are indeed two intertwined concepts: a) the concept of self-determination; and b) the concept of referendum.
For the concept of self-determination we have reviewed International Public Law (IPL) says about it (see previous posts). To discuss the meaning and reasons behind political speeches and documents may be entertaining but does not offer any real or legal useful tool to understand the Northern Ireland issue.
The same legal concept of self-determination can have different interpretations depending on the interest we support. Because of the vagueness and ambiguity of language, legal norms will necessarily have an open texture. And because of the open texture of language, there will be a core of settledness and a penumbra of unsettledness in every legal rule. In simpler terms, any word (and it also happens in law) can have different meanings; for example, a norm banning “vehicles” from city centres would easily be understood for cars; what about bicycles?
Self-determination as a legal concept has these interpretative problems. The term itself and its components are not clearly defined (what do “people”, “nation”, and “right” mean?). Politicians know that when they use freely the concept of self-determination with a narrow or broad meaning.
Let us bring some light into what appears to be a dark problem. In a simple and schematic way, we may see that:
1) Self-determination is globally recognized as imperative even included in many International Public Law documents.
2) Broadly speaking, it means that people “can decide their destiny.”
3) The term people means inhabitants.
4) Any group of people−inhabitants−can assert their right to self-determination.
5) In consequence, the rest of the international society can only acknowledge their wishes.
A referendum is one of the means to express these wishes. That is to say, a referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question. If applied to self-determination, it usually means that the inhabitants will decide whether to be an independent political organization or remain with the political status they currently have−e.g. a province, an overseas territory, etc.
Although very useful, depending on the way in which a referendum may happen, the question may “suggest” the answer. Hence, it defeats its point (as we have seen in many recent cases: Falklands/Malvinas, Scotland and Brexit). The post tomorrow will refer to referendums in more detail.
Jorge Emilio Núñez
Twitter: @London1701
02nd August 2018

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Territorial disputes: Northern Ireland (Part 28) [Post 113]

In cases such as Northern Ireland, to grant self-determination in the form of independence would imply an unbalanced situation amongst the involved agents that may create an unnecessary gap between people who have an otherwise peaceful relationship. The previous posts this week introduced the notion of self-determination and some of the consequences full independence may bring about. The crucial issue is how self-determination is “weighted”—even considered as a right—against public good, general welfare, a fair and just environment for all (not only the majority or any minority). Then, it is not that self-determination is good or bad as a right or as an international remedy per se. Yet, because of the specific situation in which it is applied and the way in which it is used may be.

In cases such as Northern Ireland, a solution between status quo and complete independence should be reached. Some scholars have tried to re-define the idea of self-determination making it more inclusive but somehow giving shape to an eclectic international institution, and that agrees with shared sovereignty:


“[…] the right to national self-determination must go beyond self- government but to stop short of statehood, and thus I introduce a modified right to self-determination, which states that all national groups have an equal right to self-determination provided that the realization of the right does not require the acquisition of independent statehood as a necessary condition.”

Anna Moltchanova, National Self-determination and Justice in Multinational States (Springer, 2011), in partic. p. xvi and Chapter 5.


Hence, if the relationship between a sovereign State and a large group within its population is already problematic, self-determination leading to independence may in fact be a viable solution. However, in the specific case of Northern Ireland in which the involved agents have a peaceful relationship apart from Brexit, to apply self-determination in the form of independence appears as an inadvisable way of dealing with it. It goes against that relationship and threatens an otherwise peaceful environment. Nevertheless, if self-determination is understood as the collective right a group has to determine their political status, and this group is willing to accept the claims of other agents, it can be an institution that may offer a positive outcome. Besides, it may lead to shared sovereignty, as the next posts will show.


NOTE: based on Chapter 5, Núñez, Jorge Emilio. 2017. Sovereignty Conflicts and International Law and Politics: A Distributive Justice Issue. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.


Jorge Emilio Nunez 
Twitter: @London1701
01st August 2018