Tuesday 9 July 2024

IVR 2024 Seoul, South Korea: Book “Cosmopolitism, state sovereignty and international law and politics: A Theory” [Videos]


“Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics: A Theory” by Dr Jorge E. Núñez (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2023)

International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

XXXI IVR World Congress

Seoul, 7th July 2024


Christoph Bezemek, University of Graz, Austria.


Pierluigi Chiassoni, Universita di Genova, Italy.

Oscar Perez de la Fuente, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain.

Gabriel Encinas, FAU Erlangen, Nuremberg, Germany.

Pierluigi Chiassoni, Universita di Genova, Italy (1 of 3).

Oscar Perez de la Fuente, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain (2 of 3).

Gabriel Encinas, FAU Erlangen, Nuremberg, Germany (3 of 3).

This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two concepts are in many ways interrelated and to some extent rely on one another. By introducing a novel theory, the work presents a detailed philosophical analysis to illustrate how these notions might theoretically and practically work together.

This theoretical inquiry is balanced with detailed empirical discussion highlighting how the concepts are related in practice and to expose the weaknesses of stricter interpretations of sovereignty which present it as exclusionary.

Finally, the book looks at territorial disputes to explore how sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can successfully operate together to deal with global issues.

The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science.

Further details: https://drjorge.world



Tuesday 8th April 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World


Monday 10 June 2024

Larger than life


I find myself this time waiting to confirm if it’s cancer or something else. Symptoms have been creeping up for months. To my surprise, the British National Health System is not as efficient and speedy as one would expect with so many resources. Coming from Latin America, I’ve experienced first hand similar health situations in countries like Argentina and Brazil; but the responses were much timelier and more empathetic. I assume it’s all about human resources and not financial ones that make all the difference.

Anyway, I’m taking a tangent. Why “larger than life”? Because I’ve shown myself I am. This is one of several setbacks life has thrown at me. A kind of leukaemia when I was four (thrombocytopenic purpura), asthma crises that floored me for days and resulted in a childhood and teen years with little to no physical activities (a fast walk would have taken me directly to hospital or the nebulizer and I’d have been so high on medication my whole body would have been shacking). When things seemed to be improving, around my 20s, more ongoing issues… I even caught Covid and was battling for my life back in 2020 before the vaccines came into the market.

It’s a fact. I look stunning, mainly because of my own efforts at the gym and kitchen. But, I know, I’m a walking miracle, literally.

One of my neighbours said something very wise… people don’t dee pain. I agree. And, I’d add, even when they see pain in others, most people step aside and let you deal with it on your own.

Despite everything, I’ve always known something I learnt when I was four. The physical comes and goes. I am more than this body. I am larger than life because I am God’s child. And I’ve always known myself blessed for such a gift.

To those silent warriors who are fighting the good fight, remember, we are never alone.

Manchester, Monday 10th June 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World


Friday 19 April 2024

St Petersburg, Russia: Book “Cosmopolitism, state sovereignty and international law and politics: A Theory” [Video]


Book Launch World Tour 2023/4 “Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics: A Theory” by Dr Jorge E. Núñez (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2023)

St Petersburg, Russia, St Petersburg State University, Thursday 18th April 2024.

This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two concepts are in many ways interrelated and to some extent rely on one another. By introducing a novel theory, the work presents a detailed philosophical analysis to illustrate how these notions might theoretically and practically work together. This theoretical inquiry is balanced with detailed empirical discussion highlighting how the concepts are related in practice and to expose the weaknesses of stricter interpretations of sovereignty which present it as exclusionary. Finally, the book looks at territorial disputes to explore how sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can successfully operate together to deal with global issues. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science.

Further details: https://drjorge.world

Friday 19th April 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World


Friday 12 April 2024

The case of Khemed between Borduria and Syldavia


The case of Khemed between Borduria and Syldavia

The following paragraphs are an extract of Chapter 7, “Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics: A Theory” by Dr Jorge E. Núñez (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2023).

[…] This section introduces a thought experiment in the form of a fictional territorial dispute. The objective is to demonstrate how the dimensional approaches operate in relation to the many pluralisms that characterize sovereignty and cosmopolitanism. It is accurate to say this methodology may be limited when the scenario forces the scholar to think of exceptional cases.[1] Therefore, bearing in mind this potential pitfall, the following hypothetical situation will include the most relevant features with regard to the most controversial and long-standing territorial disputes such as the Israel-Palestine difference, Kashmir, Crimea and the Falklands/Malvinas Islands. These features are: 1) intensifying factors—e.g. ethnic conflict, recent violence, historic animosity, inability of claiming governments to control developments along the border, or taking unpopular initiatives and third-party involvement; 2) magnitude—e.g. size of area in question, number of inhabitants, natural resources, access to trade or invasion routes and number of casualties; and 3) nature—e.g. land or water, number of claiming parties, legal framework, status of the negotiation and type.[2]

In order to avoid any possible involuntary omission or changes from the original case scenario, the following paragraphs reproduce in full the relevant description of the fictional territorial dispute between Borduria and Syldavia over Khemed’s sovereignty: 

Imagine a group of people living on an island named Khemed. The majority of Khemedians are Muslims and there are some other minor religions represented as well. Although the territory is small in size, it is highly rich in a very rare metal only found there. However, they do not possess the means for its exploration and exploitation. Therefore, their main source of income is the exportation of basic products obtained from fishing and farming. They do not have any means to defend the island. Finally, the sovereignty of the island has been continuously claimed by two sovereign states, Syldavia and Borduria.

Syldavia is a medium size sovereign state with a large population, mainly Muslims. This country is situated in another continent and although not having natural resources, it is immensely wealthy mainly because of its financial services. Syldavians have one of the most developed means of defense in the world.

On the contrary, Borduria is one of the largest sovereign states in the world in terms of territorial size, but not densely populated. Bordurians are mainly Hindus and their economy is based on agriculture. It is a non-wealthy country with heavy international debt, high rates of unemployment and inflation and governmental corruption. They do not have any means to defend their territory. Geographically, they are located in the continent adjacent to Khemed, so mainland Borduria shares with Khemedians part of the continental shelf.[3]

In order to present a case more closely related to the intensifying factors characteristic of the most well-known current and ongoing territorial disputes, this time the description will introduce further details. For instance, the territory of Khemed is mentioned in both religious traditions, that of Borduria and that of Syldavia. More precisely, both religious accounts describe Khemed as one of their most Holy places. Historically, however, it has been impossible to find factual evidence that can unequivocally demonstrate who the first Khemedian settlers were or where they came from. Rather, there is factual evidence of disputes on the island for centuries, dating back to times before Borduria and Syldavia were sovereign states themselves. Until recently, Khemed was under Borduria’s de facto sovereignty and followed their legal system. Not long ago, the newly elected Syldavian government decided to take Khemed by force and currently Syldavia is the de facto sovereign. While Borduria’s national constitution expressly guarantees several individual freedoms including sexual preferences, Syldavia’s national superior legal norm does not. Consequently, Syldavia’s legal system allows for the death penalty in cases of same-sex sexual activities. This has resulted in several demonstrations in Khemed for the protection of LGBT+ individuals as well as anti-demonstrations generating recent civil violence.

In terms of contexts, internationally, Borduria and Syldavia are League of Peoples’ members—i.e. League of Peoples is the only existing global legal and political organization that includes most sovereign states as members; and regionally, Borduria is a member of an embryo organization that centers solely on the free movements of goods, while Syldavia is member of the most legally, politically and militarily advanced organization that includes the free movement of persons, goods, capital and services. Three of the wealthiest and most developed states in the world, Nuevo Rico (liberal democracy), Saboulistan (liberal autocracy) and Poldovia (Marxist democracy) have presence in Khemed’s exclusive economic zone directly or indirectly—i.e. by means of private companies—and explore and exploit natural resources without permission.

There have been several attempts to negotiate an agreement between Borduria and Syldavia resulting in several potential solutions including partition, leaseback with guarantees, autonomy under the sovereignty of one of the claiming parties with financial compensation to the other and self-governing under shared sovereignty between Borduria and Syldavia. In all cases, the proposed solutions were rejected by one or both claiming parties. Furthermore, in all cases, the negotiations did not include any Khemedian representative because Borduria has systematically opposed their legal and political personhood as a separate party.

Having sketched the fictional territorial dispute between Borduria and Syldavia over Khemed’s sovereignty, the next sections will assess different elements and features in light of the unidimensional, multidimensional, linear and nonlinear approaches. It is important to stress that whether the outcomes differ or not does not mean that one approach may be more relevant, important or accurate but more or less comprehensive. […]

[1] For the author’s response to the tension between ideal and non-ideal theory see chapter 1 and, in more detail, Jorge E. Núñez, Sovereignty Conflicts and International Law and Politics: A Distributive Justice Issue (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017), Chapter 1. Tamar Szabo Gendler, Thought Experiment: On the Powers and Limits of Imaginary Cases (New York: Routledge, 2013).

[2] See Jorge E. Núñez, Territorial Disputes and State Sovereignty: International Law and Politics (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2020), chapter 4. For further details refer to Daniel J. Dzurek, “What Makes Some Boundary Disputes Important?” IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin 7:4 (Winter 1999-2000): 83-95; and Daniel J. Dzurek, “What Makes Territory Important: Tangible and Intangible Dimensions,” GeoJournal, 64 (2005): 263-274.

[3] For more details about this fictional territorial dispute, the author’s analysis and its application to the cases of the Falklands/Malvinas Islands, Kashmir and Gibraltar, see Jorge E. Núñez, Sovereignty Conflicts and International Law and Politics: A Distributive Justice Issue (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017), Chapters 6 and 7.

This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two concepts are in many ways interrelated and to some extent rely on one another. By introducing a novel theory, the work presents a detailed philosophical analysis to illustrate how these notions might theoretically and practically work together. This theoretical inquiry is balanced with detailed empirical discussion highlighting how the concepts are related in practice and to expose the weaknesses of stricter interpretations of sovereignty which present it as exclusionary. Finally, the book looks at territorial disputes to explore how sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can successfully operate together to deal with global issues. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science.

Further details: https://drjorge.world

Friday 12th April 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World


Monday 8 April 2024

Madrid, Spain (UCIII): Book “Cosmopolitism, state sovereignty and international law and politics: A Theory” [Video]

Book Launch World Tour 2023/4 “Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics: A Theory” by Dr Jorge E. Núñez (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2023)

Madrid, Spain, Universidad Carlos III, Thursday 04th April 2024 (in Spanish).

Taller Pluralismo Cultural y Minorías:



Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, Profesor de Filosofía del Derecho Universidad Carlos III de Madrid oscar.perez@uc3m.es

Daniel Oliva, Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público Universidad Carlos III de Madrid daniel.oliva@uc3m.es

Juan Pablo Carbajal, Estudiante de doctorado, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two concepts are in many ways interrelated and to some extent rely on one another. By introducing a novel theory, the work presents a detailed philosophical analysis to illustrate how these notions might theoretically and practically work together. This theoretical inquiry is balanced with detailed empirical discussion highlighting how the concepts are related in practice and to expose the weaknesses of stricter interpretations of sovereignty which present it as exclusionary. Finally, the book looks at territorial disputes to explore how sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can successfully operate together to deal with global issues. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science.

Further details: https://drjorge.world

Monday 08th April 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World


Thursday 7 March 2024

Manchester, UK (MLS): Book “Cosmopolitism, state sovereignty and international law and politics: A Theory” [Video]


Book Launch World Tour 2023/4 “Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics: A Theory” by Dr Jorge E. Núñez (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2023)

Manchester, United Kingdom, Manchester Law School, Wednesday 06th March 2024.

This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two concepts are in many ways interrelated and to some extent rely on one another. By introducing a novel theory, the work presents a detailed philosophical analysis to illustrate how these notions might theoretically and practically work together. This theoretical inquiry is balanced with detailed empirical discussion highlighting how the concepts are related in practice and to expose the weaknesses of stricter interpretations of sovereignty which present it as exclusionary. Finally, the book looks at territorial disputes to explore how sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can successfully operate together to deal with global issues. The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science.

Further details: https://drjorge.world

Thursday 07th March 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World


Saturday 3 February 2024

Book Launch World Tour (Second Leg): “Cosmopolitanism and State Sovereignty…: A Theory”


Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics:
A Theory

Jorge E. Núñez

(including contact person in each case if you want to join us)

  • Manchester, United Kingdom, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University (Wednesday 6th March 2024). Hybrid presentation.
    • Co-chairs: Dr Hasret Cetinkaya and Dr Damian Mather (Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University)
    • Commentators: Dr Iain Brassington (Manchester Law School, The University of Manchester) and Dr Cecilia Juliana Flores Elizondo (Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University)
    • Contact person: Dr Jorge E. Núñez j.nunez@mmu.ac.uk (please confirm whether you are attending in-person or online in advance)
  • Madrid, Spain, Universidad Carlos III (Thursday 4th April 2024). In-person presentation. Contact person: Prof. Oscar Perez de la Fuente oscar@der-pu.uc3m.es
  • Saint Petersburg, Russia, State University of Saint Petersburg (Thursday 18th April 2024) Hybrid presentation. Contact person: Prof. Mikhail Antonov mich.antonov@gmail.com
  • Paris, France, Sciences Po (Monday 13th May 2024). In person presentation. Contact person: Prof. Guillaume Tusseau guillaume.tusseau@sciencespo.fr

If and when current models fail or consistently fall short of addressing global changes and crises, a requisite paradigm shift should be implemented. COVID-19 is one of several indicators that prove mankind as a whole needs to reframe crises, reassess situations and discard the frames of past paradigms. The outcomes of current fragmented and unidimensional analyses and responses to crises (as a result of the science of reference and its methodology and the agent in question, such as individuals, communities and states) cannot but have a limited significance in theory and practice.

Whether at the level of the individual or at the level of the state, local, regional and international communities are plural in fact and in law. On the surface, notions such as cosmopolitanism accommodate for this plurality, while central disciplines such as law, politics and international relations seem to struggle. Sovereignty, as a concept, plays a major role for individuals, communities and states. Indeed, sovereignty[1] appears to be absolute and imply distinctiveness and exclusionary relationships between agents. Conversely, cosmopolitanism seems to embrace diversity and bring different agents together.

The overall aim is to establish that sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can be compatible. More precisely, the author suggests that a unidimensional to multidimensional paradigm change would acknowledge (limited) sovereignty and (legal) cosmopolitanism as compatible, despite the prima facie tension between these two concepts. In practice, this would mean that states could retain their sovereignty and individuals would benefit from legal guarantees recognized beyond jurisdictional differences.

[1] The author’s previous works on sovereignty include Jorge E. Núñez, Territorial Disputes and State Sovereignty: International Law and Politics (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2020); Jorge E. Núñez, “About the Impossibility of Absolute State Sovereignty. The Modern Era and the Early Legal Positivist Claim,” in: Luca Siliquini-Cinelli, ed., Legal Positivism in a Global and Transnational Age (Switzerland: Springer, 2019); Jorge E. Núñez, Sovereignty Conflicts and International Law and Politics: A Distributive Justice Issue (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017); Jorge E. Núñez, “A Solution to the Crimean Crisis: Egalitarian Shared Sovereignty applied to Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea, Europe-Asia Studies (2017); Jorge E. Núñez, “About the Impossibility of Absolute State Sovereignty: The Middle Ages,” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 28 (2015): 235-250; Jorge E. Núñez, “About the Impossibility of Absolute State Sovereignty: The Early Years,” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 27 (2014): 645-664; Jorge E. Núñez, “Sovereignty Conflicts and the Desirability of a Peaceful Solution: Why Current International Remedies are not the Solution,” in: David A. Frenkel, ed., Selected Issues in Modern Jurisprudence (Athens: ATINER, 2016); Jorge E. Núñez, “Sovereignty Conflicts as a Distributive Justice Issue: The Egalitarian Shared Sovereignty and a New Mode of Governance for Crimea,” in Legal Theory: Comprehension of Sovereignty in Russia, Western Europe, and the USA in the Conditions of Globalization (Ivanovo State University, 2015); Jorge E. Núñez, “Sovereignty Conflicts as a Distributive Justice Issue,” in: David A. Frenkel, ed., Selected Issues in Public Private Law (Athens: ATINER, 2015); Jorge Emilio Núñez, “The Origins of Sovereignty in the Hellenic World,”in; David A. Frenkel, ed., International Law, Conventions and Justice (Athens: ATINER, 2011).

More details about the monograph following the link below:

Saturday 3rd February 2024

Dr Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @DrJorge_World
